Creating Excited Learners

How we create excited learners

We have a team of trained teachers with a thorough grounding in their particular curriculum area, who share a vision of making even the most challenging subjects fun. They are all committed to building on our core values of creativity, curiosity and enthusiasm to engage our students, boost their confidence and help to unlock their potential for success. The results we’ve had with countless students confirm our belief that once fear is converted into curiosity, learning becomes exciting rather than an insurmountable hurdle.

We approach each student as an individual and assess them sensitively. We then develop a tailored learning programme that not only bridges gaps in their understanding but becomes a springboard to progress. Our creative teaching methods are designed to reverse any lack of self-belief and establish a ‘can do’ attitude.

Once they learn how they learn, they can transfer their knowledge to other subjects enabling success to breed success across the curriculum and support their education in the long term.

Speak to us about what is right for your child

Support for Parents

Parents are our greatest allies. Studies show that parental involvement, however small, can make a huge difference to the educational success of their children. Many parents lack the confidence or feel fearful that their efforts to help might just confuse their children further. This does not have to be the case.

We have designed special seminars that focus on how parents can support their children’s learning at every stage of their education. We share many of the tips and techniques we use and give the parents lots of ideas of what they can do in however much time they have available.

Some parents may lack confidence in their own skills, either because they feel they are rusty or their own educational experience was not a happy one. Our team includes specialists in adult education who teach our courses for parents and other adults. They too are enthusiastic teachers who make their lessons fun and exciting which works as well for adults as it does for children.

So if you feel you’d like to brush up your skills or just pick up some tips to help your child, get in touch with us.

Homework Help

If you dread your child asking you to help them with their homework, don’t despair. We can provide you with a package of support so you can contact us for help with an agreed number of questions each month.

Depending on the issue, you will receive a written response or we will arrange an online call to explore an assignment; explain its purpose and the thinking behind it; answer any questions and suggest how you can ensure your child fully grasps what they need to do.

Our process is intended to equip parents with ideas on how to help their children tackle their assignments and learn more effectively.

Adult Learning

It isn’t just children who struggle with Maths. It can be just as much of a mystery to adults too. What’s more the dreaded words “GSCE Maths and English essential” appears on so many job requirements that it can be a huge barrier to career development.

We believe that it is never too late to learn and we offer a range of adult education tuition services to help you rebuild the confidence you lost at school.

Whether you need a qualification to allow your career to progress, want to prove that you can do Maths or want to set a good example to your children, we can help.